Bazaar 2017
On Friday 22/12/2017, the last day of the school before the Christmas holidays, Erasmus+ students of "Oenological project" unfolded their...

Students remember Portugal
The students who participated in the LTT activity to Portugal recorded their memories using varius e-means: by N. Mpistas and Mike...

The greek press writes about the LTT to Portugal
Online newspaper "Menidiatis" http://menidiatis.blogspot.gr/2017/10/1_31.html Online newspaper "Ditiki Ochthi"...

Greek press and 2nd L/T/T activity
http://menidiatis.blogspot.gr/2017/05/1-erasmus.html http://doxthi.gr/46480/1o-gymnasio-acharnon-to-erasmus-charazi-dromous-ke-prosferi-e...

2nd L/T/T activity - Getting to know Entrepreneurship
During the 2nd Learning/Teaching/Training activity to Acharnes, French and Greek students attended a very interesting presentation given...

L/T/T activity in Greece (French visit 8th-15th May 2017)
THE SECOND TRANSNATIONAL PROJECT MEETING PROGRAM The meeting is going to be held in Acharnes, Greece, from 8th to 15th of May, 2017,...

2nd L/T/T activity - Online quizes!
French and Greek students colaborated and created online quizes about wine using online Scratch during the 2nd Learning/Teaching/Training...

The logo!!!
After a logo competition ( http://pollmill.com/f/eramus-oenological-project-jxycbj2.fullpage ) among all the partners, finally the...

2nd Tranasnational Project Meeting
Η 2η διεθνική συνάντηση του προγράματος πραγματοποιήθηκε στις Αχαρνές στις 8, 9 και 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2017. Συμμετείχαν δύο μέλη της...

The greek logos
Οι μαθητές του προγράμματος δημιούργησαν διάφορα logo για το πρόγραμμα τα οποία στη συνέχεια και μαζί με τα logo των εταίρων θα μπουν σε...