Erasmus+ celebration
On Thursday 20/12/2018, our school organized a festive event to present the European Erasmus+ projects that it has already completed or...

European school x 5
The 1st Gymnasium of Acharnes on Thursday December 20, 2018 at 10.00 am organizes a presentation event of the five European Erasmus +...

Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals - ΚΕΘΕΑ
In the framework of the European project Erasmus+ "Oenological project" a partner of KETHEA (Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals)...

Bazaar 2017
On Friday 22/12/2017, the last day of the school before the Christmas holidays, Erasmus+ students of "Oenological project" unfolded their...

LTT in Portugal (October 2017)
PART 1 PART 2 #mobility

2nd L/T/T activity - Εntrepreneurship ideas for the winery
From our visit to Charlaftis winery: Mr Charlaftis, we would like to propose to you some of our ideas which you can either use or reject....

2nd L/T/T activity - Getting to know Entrepreneurship
During the 2nd Learning/Teaching/Training activity to Acharnes, French and Greek students attended a very interesting presentation given...

L/T/T activity in Greece (French visit 8th-15th May 2017)
THE SECOND TRANSNATIONAL PROJECT MEETING PROGRAM The meeting is going to be held in Acharnes, Greece, from 8th to 15th of May, 2017,...

2016-1-ES01-KA201-024948 Erasmus+ 2016-2018 “Oenological Project” THE SECOND TRANSNATIONAL PROJECT MEETING PROGRAMME The meeting is going...

2nd Tranasnational Project Meeting
Η 2η διεθνική συνάντηση του προγράματος πραγματοποιήθηκε στις Αχαρνές στις 8, 9 και 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2017. Συμμετείχαν δύο μέλη της...