Wine at cinema
Students searched online for films related to wine and created a video. #culture #ICT #activity

2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage
Participation in the video competition organized by Euroescuela; 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage. #activity #culture

Students quote Odysseas Elytis (nobel prize awarded) If you disintegrate Greece at the end, you will see an olive, a vine and a boat...

LTT in Greece and Democracy
During the LTT in Greece, Greek, French and Portuguese students collaborated and wrote phrases about democracy, the most important Greek...

Cyprus wine Commandaria
Students from the 1o Gymnasio Acharnon and the Regional Gymnasium of Livadia collaborated and found info about the Cyprus wine...

Sun-dried wine - ηλιαστό κρασί
Students of the project found information about the sun-dried wine and created the following presentation: You can download it here:...

myths of discovery of wine
Students of the project found information on myths of discovery of wine and created the following presentation: You can download it here:...

The history of wine
Students of the project found information on τhe history of wine and created the following presentation: You can download it here: the...

The vine and the wine in our folk tradition
Students of the project found information on the vine and wine in our folk tradition and created the following presentation: You can...

2nd Tranasnational Project Meeting
Η 2η διεθνική συνάντηση του προγράματος πραγματοποιήθηκε στις Αχαρνές στις 8, 9 και 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2017. Συμμετείχαν δύο μέλη της...