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Transnational Project Meeting
The programme activities are formative and relate to project 2018-1-ES01-KA201-049936. The activities will serve to organize, guide and raise debate among partners on the implementation, methodology and structure of project development. Organizational sessions will also be held regarding protocols, schedule and execution, according to the working issues described above. All activities are integrated into the school's programming and evaluation system.
Monday, 8 April
8:30 Arrival at 5th Gymnasium of Chania
8:45 Welcoming ceremony including project topic - based activities:
Presentation of local grape varieties
Cultural Heritage happenings
Interviewing guest teachers about their hometown, school, erasmus+ project activities developed at their school
Interview with a news reporter
12:00 Visit to the old town of Chania, guided tour
15:00 Lunch and rest
18:30 Transnational meeting at 5th Gymnasium of Chania
20:30 Dinner
Tuesday, 9 April
8:30 Arrival at 5th Gymnasium of Chania
9:00 Visit to Manousakis Winery, guided tour, wine tasting
12:00 Field trip to Milia Mountain Retreat, Kissamos province
Tour around the facilities
Hiking in the trails of Milia
18:00 Return to Chania city
19:00 TPM part 2
Wednesday, 10 April
8:15 Arrival at 5th Gymnasium of Chania
8:30 Farewell ceremony
11:00 Visit to Monastery of Agia Triada of Jagarolon, in the Akrotiri peninsula, tour to the monastery premises and the museum, wine tasting
14:00 Lunch at Marathi beach