Inicio de enología en Europa.
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"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein".
Transnational Project Meeting
The meeting is going to be held in Burgos (Spain) between 13th – 17th November, 2018. five days in total – two days for the trip and three days for activities. There will be two teachers from each partner.
Wednesday, November 14.
8:20 Entrance to the Aurelio Gómez Escolar School (Avenida Costa Rica s / n, Burgos, Spain).
8:30 Exhibition developed by the partners of projects, schools and European cultural heritage in each country and environment.
10:30 Wine analysis practices at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Burgos.
13:00 Workshop of wine aromas with alumnus of 1st of E.S.O.
5:00 Transnational meeting at the Association Partner's school.
Thursday, November 15
8:30 Departure to Haro (La Rioja)
9:30 Visit to the city and rest.
10:15 Visit to Bodegas López de Heredia, from the Rioja quality designation of origin ..
12:00 Development of a radio program at the Casa de Cultura de Haro by Cadena SER.
13:00 Activities in the city regarding vineyards and geology of Rioja.
3:00 pm return to Burgos
4:30 pm Continuation of the TPM.
6:00 pm Exhibitions of European cultural heritage of each country in the Master of Heritage at the University of Burgos.
Friday, November 16
8:30 Departure to Rueda (Valladolid).
10:30 Visit to the winery, El Hilo de Ariadna, of the denomination of origin Rueda.
12:30 departure to Arlanza Territory (Quintanilla del Agua, Burgos).
5:00 pm Continuation of the TPM.
7:00 pm Exhibition of enoculture of each country in the master of enology developed by the University of Burgos.
Colegio Aurelio Gómez