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Comparison of spectroscopic methods for determination of sulphites in wine

Writer: adminadmin

 Sandra Pérez Izquierdo has presented her Bachelor thesis “Comparison of spectroscopic methods for determination of sulphites in wine” on 4th June 2020. Remote education applies for all students at the University of Burgos due to coronavirus pandemic, so thesis defence was held with remote participation by all members of the committee, Sandra and additional audience members.

Sulphur dioxide is a widely used preservative in the wine industry, but it has a cumulative effect on the body so its use is regulated. The Bachelor thesis deals with the study and comparison of some spectroscopic methods with that established by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) in its Compendium of International Methods of analysis, which is based on Ripper’s method, for the determination of free and total sulphur dioxide. The spectroscopic methods assessed are based on obtaining coloured products with malachite green, pararosaniline and DTNB (5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid)) that are detected by means of UV-Visible spectrophotometry.


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