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Interview …… during the pandemic

Writer: adminadmin

January 15, 2021

It has been already three months since we have quarantined and the school operates with distance learning. The Erasmus+ team of our school holds regular online meetings to maintain contact and incorporate new members from the first grade mainly. In one of these meetings and on the occasion of a video from an earlier visit of our partners in Greece, we thought of asking for an interview with Mrs. Kontstantina Griva, the professional tour guide who had accompanied us on many of our visits to archaeological sites in the framework of the Emasmus+ visits. We contacted her and she gladly accepted to answer our questions. So we asked her how the pandemic affected her and her profession, how her daily life is without tourists and tours and how she hopes things will turn out in the future. Mrs. Griva sent us a video with very interesting answers.


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