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“The Chemistry that cannot be seen” workshop in the program “Inclusive campus, campus with no limits

Writer: adminadmin

Two teachers of the University of Burgos, Ana Herrero and Susana Palmero, and two students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Food Science and Technology, Marina Pérez and Rebeca Martínez, partners of the Erasmus+ project “Oenoculture: Start of European enology. Prephyloxeric European grapes”, have developed the workshop “The Chemistry that cannot be seen”.

This workshop is part of the “Inclusive campus, campus with no limits (2019)”, organized by the public universities of Castilla y León. The “Inclusive campus” is a program of Fundación ONCE, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte y Fundación Repsol, which aims to promote inclusive education and reduce the school dropout of students with disabilities, as well as to increase the active presence of students with disabilities in the university and involve the universities in their stay in the educational system. For this, the campus offers multiple activities that pursue to motivate interest in the university education, awaken the passion for knowledge and discover their vocational orientation.

In this inclusive workshop, students with and without disabilities, aged 15-17, have completed chemical experiments where the senses of smell, sound or touch are specially engaged (no visual observations are needed). The activity also serves to sensitize students without visual disabilities to the needs of students who are blind or visually impaired. In the framework of the Erasmus+ project, some experiments have been carried out on wine to bring these students closer to the world of wine and oenoculture.

Dissemination of the activity:

La 8 (min 12:30):

Diario de Burgos:

Burgos conecta:



@actualidadUBU (July 11th)


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