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Youth Entrepreneurship

Writer: adminadmin

Updated: May 11, 2020

Regional Gymnasium of Livadia decided to promote Youth Entrepreneurship through the Erasmus project 2018-1-ES01-KA201-049936 ENOCULTURE / EUROPEAN ENOLOGY/EUROPEAN GRAPES organizing various activities.

The aim was to boost Europe's entrepreneurial culture.

In the project we included students who were immigrants as well as other disadvantaged students.

Main objectives for inclusion activities were:

a. Students to understand similarities and differences between themselves and others.

b. Students to recognize and value diversity among their peers.

c. Students to learn how to communicate and work together with students from other cultures.

d. Learning about the lives of other people will help students build empathy, respect, understanding and connection.

e. Listening to and sharing experiences with people who are similar and different will help students to learn about others.

Main objectives of the Youth Entrepreneurship program:

a. Reinforce entrepreneurial attitudes by offering skills, knowledge and experience to young students.

b. Teach students who to create and startup company.

c. Foster the transfer of ideas, knowledge and cooperation between among students.

d. Teach 21st century skills.

Benefits for students who participated to this program:

The program has been completed successfully and evaluation proved that students had the following benefits:

a. They built the capacity to manage a small company.

b. They gained relevant skills and knowledge from communicating, teamworking, writing a business plan, creating, marketing and selling a product.

c. They got practical experience by setting up their own startup company and presenting their work in three different national competitions.


The aim was to create a platform using 3D Graphics to present the world of Commandaria wine in Cyprus. Students created a treasure hunting game called “La Grande Commanderie”.


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