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"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein".
TPM in Burgos - Welcoming Day
TPM in Burgos 1st Day
Newspaper article about the seminar on grape phylloxera
TPM in Burgos 3rd Day
TPM in Burgos 2nd Day
The University of Burgos writes about the LTT in Lanzarote
The press of Burgos writes about the LTT in Lanzarote
The Greek press writes about the TPM in Lanzarote
Warehouses generated in the first LTT in Chania.
Attending a seminar on Phylloxera
The Cretan Press writes about the LTT in Chania
Wine quiz challenge: Kahoot game
LTT in Chania - Impressions
Evaluation of the LTT in Chania
5th Gymnasium of Chania hosted the 1st LTT
Wine Production in Cyprus - Filming, Exploring, Documenting the Ktima Vassiliades “Oenou Yi” Winery
Works developed by Spanish students in the subject of geology biology of ESO 3
Briefing parents in December