In the context of the integration of the Erasmus + "Enocultura" program in the school's curriculum and specifically in the ICT course, 7th grade students of 1o GYMNASIO ACHARNON searched for information on the Internet and created presentations on wine.
Created by Giorgos Tampakopoylos
Wine in cosmetology
Created by Sofia-Marina Konstantinidi
Varieties of Crete
Created by Giorgos Savvidis
White vinification
Created by Ioanna Strovila
Varieties of Macedonian wines
Created by Elpida Kaltouroumidh
The cork and its importance for wine
Created by Eirini Grigoriadi
Wine and health
Created by Polixeni Kyrkou
Greek PDO wines
Created by Markela Koukianaki
Wines of Crete
Created by Nikos Mayrogiannakis
Wine in cosmetology
Created by Rafelela Mpariamai
Wines of Crete
Created by Valia Orsopoulou
Painting with wine - Elisabetta Rogai-
Created by Stefania Tsipoura
Wine maturation
Created by Fotis Tampakopoulos
Wine aging
Created by Eva Spinou